178 research outputs found

    Joint versus separate inpatient rehabilitation treatment for patients with alcohol use disorder or drug use disorder : an observational study

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    Background: In many national treatment systems, patients with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and those with drug use disorders (DUD) are treated separately, while other systems provide joint treatment for both kinds of substance use disorders (SUDs). Regarding long-term rehabilitation treatment of DUD and AUD patients, there is however a lack of empirical studies on the comparison between a separate versus joint treatment modality. Methods: Data were gathered from 2 rehabilitation units located in small towns from the same German region. One unit provided treatment to a mixed group of AUD and DUD patients, while the other unit treated the 2 groups separately. Staffing, funding, and treatment programs were otherwise similar between facilities. Data were gathered from standardized routine documentation and standardized interviews. In order to understand correlates of premature treatment termination, a logistic regression analysis was performed, with treatment modality and type of SUD as main predictors, and a range of patient characteristics as covariates. Results: Patients (N=319) were diagnosed with AUD (48%), DUD (34%), or AUD plus DUD (18%). Patients in joint treatment showed a higher prevalence of lapses during treatment than those in separate treatment (26% versus 12%; p=0.009), but there was no significant difference in the prevalence of premature terminations (38% versus 44%, p=0.26). Treatment modality and interaction between modality and type of SUD was not significantly associated with premature termination. Joint treatment completers showed higher satisfaction with treatment than separate treatment completers ( p<0.001). Conclusion: We found no evidence here for a difference between treatment modalities in terms of premature termination rate. Satisfaction level was higher in those who completed joint treatment compared to separate treatment.Peer reviewe

    COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Substance Misuse: A Social Media Listening, Mixed Method Analysis

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Submitted to Brain Sciences Manuscript ID: brainsci-1275549 on 10 June 2021. Reviewers’ comments received 23 June 2021. Revisions submitted 2 July 2021. Accepted 5 July 2021. Published online 9 July 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11070907 (registering DOI)The restrictive measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic modified some previously consolidated drug use patterns. A focus on social networks allowed drug users to discuss, share opinions and provide advice during a worldwide emergency context. In order to explore COVID-19-related implications on drug trends/behaviour and on most popular psychotropic substances debated, the focus here was on the constantly updated, very popular, Reddit social platform’s posts and comments. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of r/Drugs and related subreddits, using a social media listening netnographic approach, was carried out. The post/comments analysed covered the time-frame December 2019–May 2020. Between December 2019 and May 2020, the number of whole r/Drugs subreddit members increased from 619,563 to 676,581 members, respectively, thus increasing by 9.2% by the end of the data collection. Both the top-level r/Drugs subreddit and 92 related subreddits were quantitatively analysed, with posts/comments related to 12 drug categories. The drugs most frequently commented on included cannabinoids, psychedelics, opiates/opioids, alcohol, stimulants and prescribed medications. The qualitative analysis was carried out focussing on four subreddits, relating to some 1685 posts and 3263 comments. Four main themes of discussion (e.g., lockdown-associated immunity and drug intake issues; drug-related behaviour/after-quarantine plans’ issues; lockdown-related psychopathological issues; and peer-to-peer advice at the time of COVID-19) and four categories of Redditors (e.g., those continuing the use of drugs despite the pandemic; the “couch epidemiologists”; the conspirationists/pseudo-science influencers; and the recovery-focused users) were tentatively identified here. A mixed-methods, social network-based analysis provided a range of valuable information on Redditors’ drug use/behaviour during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further studies should be carried out focusing on other social networks as well as later phases of the pandemic.Peer reviewe

    Networks of Neuropsychological Functions in the Clinical Evaluation of Adult ADHD

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    This study applied network analysis to explore the relations between neuropsychological functions of individuals in the clinical evaluation of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood. A total of 319 participants from an outpatient referral context, that is, 173 individuals with ADHD (ADHD group) and 146 individuals without ADHD (n-ADHD group), took part in this study and completed a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. A denser network with stronger global connectivity was observed in the ADHD group compared to the n-ADHD group. The strongest connections were consistent in both networks, that is, the connections between selective attention and vigilance, and connections between processing speed, fluency, and flexibility. Further centrality estimation revealed attention-related variables to have the highest expected influence in both networks. The observed relationships between neuropsychological functions, and the high centrality of attention, may help identify neuropsychological profiles that are specific to ADHD and optimize neuropsychological assessment and treatment planning of individuals with cognitive impairment

    Prevalence and risk factors of syphilis infection among drug addicts

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    Scherbaum N, Baune BT, Mikolajczyk RT, Kuhlmann T, Reymann G, Reker M. Prevalence and risk factors of syphilis infection among drug addicts. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2005;5(1): 33.Background: Recent epidemiological data show an increased trend of official estimates for syphilis infection in the general population. Many of the infected cases remain undetected leaving an underestimation of the true prevalence of syphilis in the general population, but also among subpopulations such as illicit drug users. There is limited epidemiological data published on the proportion and risk factors of syphilis infections associated with illicit drug abuse. Methods: Illicit drug addicts (n = 1223) in inpatients units in Germany were screened (2000-01) for syphilis and interviewed regarding patterns of drug use and sexual behaviour. TPHA-test for initial screening and FTA-ABS-IgM test in TPHA-positive patients were used. Results: In total, TPHA-tests were positive in 39 (3.3%) and 7 patients (0.6%) were IgM positive. The prevalence rate for syphilis in males was 1.9% and for women it was 8.5%. Female patients were 4.56 (CI 95% 2.37-8.78) times more likely to have a positive TPHA test than males. Sexual behaviours such as high number of sexual partners, sex for drugs/money, sex on the first day were associated with syphilis infection only in women. Females with frequent sex for drugs or money had 4.31 (CI 95% 2.32-8.52) times more likely a reactive TPHA test than remaining patients. Neither the sociodemographic factors nor sexual behaviour were statistically significant associated with syphilis infection among men at all. Conclusion: Our data suggest the need for screening for syphilis among these illicit drug users in inpatient settings, in particular among sexual active women. This conclusion is corroborated by the finding of increasing numbers of syphilis infections in the general population. The identification of syphilis cases among drug addicts would give treatment options to these individuals and would help to reduce the spread of infection in this population, but also a spread into heterosexual populations related to prostitution

    Opiate maintenance patients’ attitudes and self-reported adherence to protective measures against SARS-CoV-2 infections

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    © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic we assessed to which extent patients in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) adhere to official recommendations regarding preventive intervention strategies against COVID-19. Methods: Patients enrolled in two OMT clinics in Germany were interviewed applying a standardized questionnaire, which covered socio-demographic information, recent psychotropic substance use, recent social activities, the history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, attitudes toward official protection recommendations, and levels of adherence to these suggestions. Current mental and medical diagnoses were retrieved from medical files. In subjects without known infection and without vaccination, blood samples were tested for the identification of anti-SARS-CoV-2-S-antibodies. Interviews were performed between the end of May and the end of September 2021. Results: Patients’ (n = 155) average age was 47 years; 74% were males. In addition to the opiate dependence, in nearly 80% of cases another medical disorder was recorded. The range of medical factors that predispose for severe COVID-19 outcomes were present in 39% of patients; 18% of the sample refused to be vaccinated. Nearly all patients reported having carried out a range of activities outside their residence during the week prior to the interviews, including visits of treatment facilities (86.5%; 95% confidence interval [80.2%; 91.0%]) or meeting with friends (64.5% [65.7–71.6%]). Despite the fact that only about 47.1% [39.2%; 55%] felt well informed about measures against infection, adherence to COVID-19 countermeasures was generally high: 83.9% [77.3; 88.8%] claimed to have worn face masks always/nearly always; social distancing was performed always/nearly always by 58.7% [50.8%; 66.2%]; and hand hygiene was conducted by 64.5% [56.7%; 71.6%] of participants. None out of n = 25 tests from unvaccinated subjects was positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2-S-antibodies. Psychiatric comorbidity and educational degree were not statistically significantly associated with attitudes and compliance, except that patients with lower education felt relatively worse informed. Conclusion: Self-reported adherence to recommended non-therapeutic intervention strategies and vaccination rates were similar to the German general population. Provision of more health-related information tailored to OMT patients appears necessary.Peer reviewe

    Cognitive Underperformance in a Mixed Neuropsychiatric Sample at Diagnostic Evaluation of Adult ADHD

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    (1) Background: The clinical assessment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood is known to show non-trivial base rates of noncredible performance and requires thorough validity assessment. (2) Objectives: The present study estimated base rates of noncredible performance in clinical evaluations of adult ADHD on one or more of 17 embedded validity indicators (EVIs). This study further examines the effect of the order of test administration on EVI failure rates, the association between cognitive underperformance and symptom overreporting, and the prediction of cognitive underperformance by clinical information. (3) Methods: A mixed neuropsychiatric sample (N = 464, ADHD = 227) completed a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery on the Vienna Test System (VTS; CFADHD). Test performance allows the computation of 17 embedded performance validity indicators (PVTs) derived from eight different neuropsychological tests. Further, all participants completed several self- and other-report symptom rating scales assessing depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning. The Conners&amp;amp;#x2019; Adult ADHD Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory-II were administered to derive embedded symptom validity measures (SVTs). (4) Results and conclusion: Noncredible performance occurs in a sizeable proportion of about 10% up to 30% of individuals throughout the entire battery. Tests for attention and concentration appear to be the most adequate and sensitive for detecting underperformance. Cognitive underperformance represents a coherent construct and seems dissociable from symptom overreporting. These results emphasize the importance of performing multiple PVTs, at different time points, and promote more accurate calculation of the positive and negative predictive values of a given validity measure for noncredible performance during clinical assessments. Future studies should further examine whether and how the present results stand in other clinical populations, by implementing rigorous reference standards of noncredible performance, characterizing those failing PVT assessments, and differentiating between underlying motivations.</p

    The Psychonauts’ Benzodiazepines; Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Analysis and Docking Prediction of Their Biological Activity

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Designer benzodiazepines (DBZDs) represent a serious health concern and are increasingly re-ported in polydrug consumption-related fatalities. When new DBZDs are identified, very limited information is available on their pharmacodynamics. Here, computational models (e.g., quantita-tive structure-activity relationship/QSAR and Molecular Docking) were used to analyse DBZDs identified online by an automated web crawler (NPSfinder®) and to predict their possible activi-ty/affinity on the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA-ARs). The computational software MOE was used to calculate 2D QSAR models, perform docking studies on crystallised GABA-A receptors (6HUO, 6HUP) and generate pharmacophore queries from the docking conformational results. 101 DBZDs were identified online by NPSfinder®. The validated QSAR model predicted high biological activity values for 41% of these DBDZs. These predictions were supported by the docking studies (good binding affinity) and the pharmacophore modelling confirmed the im-portance of the presence and location of hydrophobic and polar functions identified by QSAR. This study confirms once again the importance of web-based analysis in the assessment of drug scenarios (DBZDs), and how computational models could be used to acquire fast and reliable in-formation on biological activity for index novel DBZDs, as preliminary data for further investiga-tions.Peer reviewe

    Cognitive Underperformance in a Mixed Neuropsychiatric Sample at Diagnostic Evaluation of Adult ADHD

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    (1) Background: The clinical assessment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood is known to show non-trivial base rates of noncredible performance and requires thorough validity assessment. (2) Objectives: The present study estimated base rates of noncredible performance in clinical evaluations of adult ADHD on one or more of 17 embedded validity indicators (EVIs). This study further examines the effect of the order of test administration on EVI failure rates, the association between cognitive underperformance and symptom overreporting, and the prediction of cognitive underperformance by clinical information. (3) Methods: A mixed neuropsychiatric sample (N = 464, ADHD = 227) completed a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery on the Vienna Test System (VTS; CFADHD). Test performance allows the computation of 17 embedded performance validity indicators (PVTs) derived from eight different neuropsychological tests. Further, all participants completed several self- and other-report symptom rating scales assessing depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning. The Conners&amp;amp;#x2019; Adult ADHD Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory-II were administered to derive embedded symptom validity measures (SVTs). (4) Results and conclusion: Noncredible performance occurs in a sizeable proportion of about 10% up to 30% of individuals throughout the entire battery. Tests for attention and concentration appear to be the most adequate and sensitive for detecting underperformance. Cognitive underperformance represents a coherent construct and seems dissociable from symptom overreporting. These results emphasize the importance of performing multiple PVTs, at different time points, and promote more accurate calculation of the positive and negative predictive values of a given validity measure for noncredible performance during clinical assessments. Future studies should further examine whether and how the present results stand in other clinical populations, by implementing rigorous reference standards of noncredible performance, characterizing those failing PVT assessments, and differentiating between underlying motivations.</p
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